22.03 Unknown 0 Comments

Gomak noodles are famous food as regional specialties from the land of Batak Toba , Toba Batak covers all areas, and also the typical cuisine in Sibolga and Tapanuli. Regarding the origin of the name for this menu versions. Most states, maybe because of the way digomak-gomak provision (grip with their hands) until today called noodles gomak, though ultimately not hold it in hand at the time serve it. Also often called spaghetti Batak because it is similar to spaghetti from Italy, shaped like a stick. Boiled noodles are usually made separately with gravy and sauces. Although many kinds to make this Batak special food menu, some use the sauce there was also prepared as fried noodles. It's very unique when gomak noodles mixed with spices from Batak namely andaliman.

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